Collier County, FL — Pursuant to Florida Statute, a machine and manual recount is required in the January 26 Marco Island City Council race.
The results for the four candidates are:
Joe Batte 3,535 (24.8%)
Ted Forcht 3,472 (24.3%)
Chuck Kiester 3,480 (24.4%)
Larry N. Magel 3,745 (26.3%)
Since the difference between the third place finisher, Chuck Kiester, and the fourth place finisher, Ted Forcht, was less than .25%, such a review is mandatory under Florida law.
Under the authority of the Collier County Canvassing Board, the machine recount was conducted at the Supervisor of Elections Office immediately following release of the unofficial results on January 26, 2010. The manual recount, which is an examination of the over and undervoted ballots, has been scheduled for 9:00 a.m. on Thursday, January 28, 2010. This public meeting is being held at the Supervisor of Elections Office, 3301 Tamiami Trail East, Building C-2.