NEWS RELEASE: Collier County Supervisor of Elections Announces a “Call for Heroes” this Veterans Day
CONTACT: Trish Robertson
(239) 252-8052
Cell: (239) 776-1131
Collier County, Fla.—11/8/2023: The Collier County Supervisor of Elections invites the community to nominate local veterans and current service men and women to be honored through their Vote in Honor of a Veteran program.
“Veterans have selflessly served our nation, often risking their own lives to protect the freedoms of others. If you would like to honor a veteran or current service member, we encourage you to contact our office to learn how you can nominate someone for our Vote in Honor of a Veteran program,” Melissa R. Blazier, Supervisor of Elections.
Since its launch in 2013, over 200 veterans in the community have been honored and are represented on the Collier County Supervisor of Elections’ website and at voter registration events throughout the county.
Visit to nominate a veteran or service member and to view those already inducted into the program.