NEWS RELEASE: Elections Office Wins Statewide Public Relations Awards
August 14, 2017
For more information contact:
Trish Robertson
(239) 252-8052
Collier County, Fla.— August 14, 2017: The Collier County Supervisor of Elections office was honored with a Golden Image Award and a Judges’ Award at the Florida Public Relations Association’s 79th Annual Conference last week.
The Golden Image Award was presented to the elections office for its “Election Ready” public service campaign as the top-scoring entry under the public service category. The “Election Ready” campaign sought to inform voters on how they could better prepare to vote during the 2016 Election Cycle.
The elections office also received a Judges’ Award for its “Countdown to Enterprise” communications campaign, which informed voters about the elections office’s relocation to Enterprise Avenue. A Judges’ Awards is presented to an outstanding entry that achieves maximum results while using a minimum amount of money.
In order to qualify for judging, Golden Image entries must incorporate sound public relations research and planning and must meet the highest standard of production, implementation and evaluation of results within the means of a budget. The Golden Image Awards is a statewide contest which draws hundreds of public relations program entries from across the state of Florida
“We are extremely honored to have been recognized for our efforts in 2016 and look forward to carrying over these successes into the 2018 Election Cycle!” – Jennifer J. Edwards, Supervisor of Elections.
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