NEWS RELEASE: Collier County Supervisor of Elections Office Accepting Scholarship Applications Until March 29
March 06, 2017
For more information contact:
Trish Robertson
(239) 252-8052
$1,200 Scholarship Opportunity Being Offered by the FSASE
Collier County, Fla.— March 6, 2017: Jennifer J. Edwards, Collier County Supervisor of Elections, is accepting applications for a scholarship opportunity until Wednesday, March 29. The Florida State Association of Supervisors of Elections (FSASE) is offering three $1,200 scholarships to eligible Florida residents enrolled or accepted as full-time students in a senior college or university in Florida.
Applicants must be Political Science, Public or Business Administration, or Journalism/Mass Communication majors who have finished two years of junior college or undergraduate work. Students should also demonstrate a financial need.
The scholarship applications and guidelines are available at, or can be obtained at the Collier County Supervisor of Elections Office located at 3750 Enterprise Avenue, Naples, FL 34104.
Completed applications and two letters of recommendation must be submitted by 5 p.m. on March 29 to the Supervisor of Elections of the county in which the applicant is registered to vote. Each county\'s Supervisor will review the applications received and select one finalist to be sent to the FSASE Scholarship Committee. The committee will announce the scholarship recipients at the FSASE 2017 Summer Conference.
FSASE is a statewide, professional organization of 67 county Supervisors of Elections, dedicated to "supporting fair, honest and accurate elections in the state of Florida."
For more information visit or contact the Supervisor of Elections office at (239) 252-VOTE.
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